Hi, I am Candice!
I am a Homeopath, Holistic Kinesiologist and Yoga teacher
I have 20 years experience in mind/body medicine. In my consultations, I combine Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, Homeopathy, Kinesiology and Yoga philosophy to gain a deep understanding of presenting complaints. Over many years of study and practice, I have come to understand the impact of the mental and emotional body on the physical body and highlight the intrinsic link between the mind/body/spirit. I create plans for moving forward that address each aspect of a being in order to enhance well-being on all levels.
2003: Certificate 1 Reiki
2007: Diploma in Health Science (Holistic Kinesiology)
2008: Certificate IV small business management
2010: Certificate IV Swedish massage
2011: 200hr Hatha YTTC
2013: 200hr Yin YTTC
2014: 50hr Yin and Insight Meditation TTC
2014: 200hr Mystical Dance and Meditation TTC
2015-2019: Chinese Medicine theory
2016: Restorative Yoga TTC
2022: Advanced Diploma of Homeopathy
Current: Ayurveda